Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Rules to live by...

Rule 1. Act boldly. Time is limited.

• We think, we talk, we plan, we file them… DO SOMETHING!
• Don’t wait for clarity – it’ll never come.
• When you act, changes happen really fast!
• There will never be a right time
• The world is full of people who could do it better… but they’re all in the bar talking about it!
• Motivation does not preceed action.
• It’s never easier tomorrow – the only time to act is now.

Rule 2. Re-write your rule book. Challenge it hourly

• The rulebook is wrong. It’s fiction created by us.
• Rulebook - How the world will treat us, and how we have the “right” to treat the world. Challenge it!
• Push through the fiction.
• You DO have the potential – ignore the fear

Rule 3. Head in the direction of where you want to arrive - every day

• Keep the plan in mind and do something every day to get there.
• Make space in the clutter to pursue the dream
• Today matters.
• Find the goal which excites you and go for it.

Rule 4. It's all in the mind

• If the voice dictates our actions 5 times a day, that’s 124,000 decisions in a lifetime that have been taken by the tiger rather than our heart and soul.
• The voice can paralyse you., or support you.
• Everyone has the voices – you are not unique.
• Know what and why you’re doing what you’re doing, and the voice can be overcome

Rule 5. The tools you need are all around you

• Help and support is all around. Pick up the phone.
• You can’t pull off anything exciting and worthwhile without others
• Once you’ve decided where you’re going, you will see solutions all around.
• If we’re not working with others, we’re not doing exciting enough things.

Rule 6. There is no safety in numbers

• Have the courage of your convictions.
• You have to be doing SOMETHING, making it happen
• People will judge us. That’s irrelevant.
• Sometimes we will get it wrong. That’s ok.
• Stand alone when you need to, to do the right thing.
• Be on the track, not an observer.
• Life is too short not to be in the race.

Rule 7. Do something scary every day

• This is not about endangering life and limb
• Deal with risk – practice the risk
• Move outside the comfort zone to help you realise it’s ok
• Exercise the fear muscle
• When there’s a choice of safe or scary, choose scary.

Rule 8. Understand and control your time to create change.

• Invest time. It’s our most precious and scarce resource.
• The time we waste is our one shot disappearing.
• Your stock of time is depleting and can never be replaced.
• You are writing the story of your life. It’s happening NOW!
• Recognise you’re the one standing in the way – you are writing your own story, no-one else.

Rule 9. Create disciplines. Do the basics brilliantly

• Behind every sexy, exciting moment, there is a lot of drudgery to make it happen.
• Define the foundations, know what they are, and do them every day.
• What is the one thing that, if you did it brilliantly every day, would most impact the outcome of your story?

Rule 10. Never, never give up.

• Recognise that giving up has consequences!
• When there are dark days, down days, when the future is misty and dark, do not give up!
• Will you be ok with giving up, when it’s too late to go back?


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